Smart Learning

Children are blessed with inborn curiosity and an insatiable desire to discover new things. They enjoy while they get to explore and understand the world around them in their own way. Young children are capable of demonstrating basic math and science skills. By creating a STEM supportive learning environment at Ambassador Kindergaten right from the early years of learning encourages children to take risk, challenge themselves and engage with new ideas and different perspectives. STEM consist of science, technology, engineering and math – individually or more subjects working together, and can also mean a way of doing things that include solving problems, asking questions, and finding out new things.

STEM is not about being right or wrong. It is about letting children try. It is focused on letting children think independently, creatively and understand why a certain thing works in a particular way. Starting STEM education during Kindergarten days help in building confidence, critical thinking and problem solving skills early in life that can be observed in various school projects in today’s connected world.

Early STEM skills predicts the academic performance of students later in life. Early Math skills help children become confident with both Math and reading. Working with different materials prepares children for better scientific inquiry and engineering skills. The process of learning and practicing the STEM disciplines can instill in students a passion for inquiry, an attitude for discovery and fosters skills such as persistence, teamwork, and the application of gained knowledge to new situations.

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