School Day

Pre-KG & KG1 and KG 2

7:40 am - 11:45 am Sunday - Thursday


Children need to report to school between 7:30 am and 7:40 am We do understand the challenges of getting little ones up on their feet every morning, but nevertheless, punctuality is appreciated.

A typical day in Ambassador Kindergarten starts with children’s self-registration, where they place their name cards in the school slot from the home slot and register their presence in the classroom. The UAE and Indian national anthems are played at 7:45 am This is followed by warm up exercises in the classrooms/ outside play area.

The day begins with a circle time with children sharing their views and discussions on various topics, followed by phonic sessions, for a duration of 20 minutes. They get to experience a combination of indoor and outdoor; individual, small group and whole group activities throughout the day. Learning experiences are prepared based on the individual needs of the children, with ample scope for cross curricular and real life application. Emphasis is on conceptual understanding and on the process of learning through hands on activities. Active reading is encouraged through regular read aloud sessions and reading corners in the classroom and weekly visits to the library too. A day is well balanced with a blend of academics integrated with co-curricular activities like water-play, dance, music and active physical play. Break time is when the classes are filled with an aroma of healthy food. We believe good food is one of the essential secrets to a happy child! Hence, it is a strict no to junk food in Ambassador Nursery & Kindergarten.  The day concludes with a fruit time where children are encouraged to have a nourishing portion of fruit every day before they get set for the dispersals.

The day starts with their eager steps and bright smiles and so do the end, but with an added confidence to their steps of having achieved and accomplished something through their day!

Typical day at Ambassador Kindergarten
Time Lesson Minutes
7:40 am Reporting Time  
7:45 am and 8:00 am Self -Registration and Assembly 15
8:00 am to 8:20 am Circle time and phonic session 20
8:20 am to 9:30 am Learning Time – Independent learning / guided learning/ outdoor activity/ indoor activity/ co-curricular activities 70
9:30 am to 10:00 am Snack Time 30
10:00 am to 11:30 am Learning Time – Independent learning / guided learning/ outdoor activity/ indoor activity/ co-curricular activities 90
11:30 am to 11:45 am Fruit Time 15
11:45 am Dispersal  

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