Artistic Expressions

The little ones simply love to sing and play instruments, and our music teacher helps foster this. They learn to play instruments like the drum, violin, wak-a-tubes, xylophone, mini keyboard, etc. While songs are taught in the classroom, children go to our specialized music room for weekly lessons. They are introduced to music concepts such as rhythm, timing and singing. Music boosts their brain power, improving their memory, building confidence, teaching them patience and discipline.

Through dance classes, kids begin to understand that the possibilities of movement are endless and fun to explore. Physical development help in acquiring a great range of motion, body awareness, balance, muscle strength, coordination, and endurance. Movement patterns require kids to use their entire body to reach a level of fitness that is unparalleled by other activities. In dance classes, children have the opportunity to learn in a comfortable social setting where they understand space, form lines, perform and interact.

Singing is the best cardio-vocal exercise for the growing child. Other than the daily singing of nursery rhymes in the classroom, a professional music teacher trains the little singers in the music studio. A typical music lesson plan is structured in such a way that the teacher is able to retain children’s interest. Singing classes include introduction song or warm up pitching and singing exercises. The kids loosen up with well-known songs and Kindergarten rhymes and going over any new songs from the previous lesson. Actions and movement play important role as they learn to coordinate their movements with the meaning of the song and learn in totality.

The little ones learn to enact, recite and say complete dialogues. At the Atelier, they express themselves through the ‘I Believe’ programme where each child presents a talent in front of his or her parents and a large audience. The largest participation is seen in the annual day productions. Small role-plays and skits help express various emotions and on-stage they learn timing, concept of space and relativity.

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